Guidelines & FAQs / Evolve the Food System – June 2023
The only way to build an equitable, resilient, and thriving food system of the scale needed to serve Chicago and its broad metropolitan region is to dismantle the current, unsustainable, and exploitative system and replace it. This is why the Chicago Region Food System Fund (CRFSF) is focusing this “Evolve the Food System” grant round on supporting organizations and projects that guide the system away from extractive, commercial agriculture and food systems, which reward a small group of corporations and shareholders, and towards one that encourages cooperative models and sustainability for both the land and livelihoods. This round of grantmaking is focused on creating food policy pathways for systemic change, curbing corporate dominance and control of the food system, and building community and worker power.
To reach the goal of a sustainable and equitable food system, CRFSF is looking for projects and proposals that address organizations, institutions, and corporate actors that are externalizing costs onto communities, workers, and the natural environment through polluting, exploitative, and greenhouse gas intensive practices, while also building worker power to win rights, improve pay, and reform exploitative structures. This is the first of three CRFSF grant rounds during 2023-2024 that are interconnected and highly complementary to one another.
Our theory of change rests on these assumptions:
- We need policy guardrails that allow for small businesses and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) owned businesses to enter and thrive in the local food supply chain.
- We need to incentivize public institutions and other large purchasers of food to reject corporate actors who are exploitative to workers and extractive to the environment.
- We need to ensure that small businesses and BIPOC owned businesses are provided support to thrive while also abiding by a non-extractive, non-exploitative framework; by paying workers livable wages, providing benefits and dignity; and by protecting the environment and mitigating climate change.
Thus this first grantmaking round focuses on policy change, power-building, and corporate activism. This work will lay the foundation for the next grantmaking round which will focus on growing our food system. Below is a list of definitions intended to clarify the type of organizations/projects we’re looking for with this round of funding:
Any organization that is attempting to bring workers, communities, or people directly affected by specific food-related issues together, and leveraging that power to positively change the negative conditions in the existing food system.
Policy change
Any organization that engages frontline communities in advocating for food/agriculture policy change at the local, state, or regional level. Policy change can be public policy or private (corporate) policy.
Corporate activism
Any organization that is engaging food corporations to change corporate behavior in a positive direction for people and the land.
Examples of the types of ideas we would welcome in this application round include (but are in no way limited to):
- General operating support for organizations engaging food chain workers organizing in key regional industries.
- Organizing/power-building activities aimed at addressing systemic inequities in the food policy landscape
- Policy action that removes barriers for small food/agriculture businesses that exhibit fair practices for them to compete and grow.
- Land access projects for local food production that build wealth in communities
- Shareholder activism in an agricultural/food corporation in order to change corporate behavior
- Communication and education strategies that create demand for change from within communities
Who Can Apply
- ELIGIBILITY—Only 501(c)(3) organizations or fiscal sponsors are eligible to apply. However, organizations that lack that status may engage in projects in two ways:
- Community associations such as block clubs or emerging projects that have not yet secured nonprofit status may partner with established non-profits that can support the work as a program expense or through a fiscal sponsorship relationship.
- Food system businesses may execute project work through a vendor contract with a 501(c)(3) organization. The 501(c)(3) must be the applicant to the Fund.
- GEOGRAPHY—The Chicago Region Food System Fund focuses on the Chicago foodshed, an area roughly 200 miles from Chicago. Organizations located more than 200 miles from Chicago are eligible to apply to the “Evolve the Food System” grant round if their work directly impacts the broader Chicago region. If you’re uncertain as to whether you qualify, email us at
- PREVIOUS GRANTEES/FUTURE GRANTEES—Organizations that previously received funding from CRFSF are eligible to apply for the “Evolve the Food System” RFP.
- For the three funding rounds announced in April 2023, organizations may apply to multiple rounds based on the alignment between an applicant’s project goals and CRFSF funding priorities; however organizations may receive funding in only one of the three rounds. For instance, if your project aligns with the priorities for both “Evolve the Food System” and “Prepare for Future Food System Emergencies,” you may decide to apply in Evolve first. If you receive funding, you are not eligible to reapply in “Prepare;” if you don’t receive funding in “Evolve,” you may apply in either of the next two rounds.
- Organizations may submit only one application per funding round. Fiscal sponsors or 501(c)(3)s acting as fiscal sponsors may submit multiple applications as needed.
Important Information
- Supplementary Q&A from the July 13 webinar
- GRANT REQUEST AMOUNTS—CRFSF anticipates awarding $3,000,000 in grants for “Evolve the Food System.” Grants will be available ranging from $25,000 to $150,000 in $25,000 increments. On the application, you’ll be asked to select a grant size that best fits your organizational/project budget or current funding needs.
- GRANT PERIOD—Both one and two year grants will be offered. On the application, yo u’ll be asked to provide more information about your timeline.
- APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS & CRITERIA—All applications will be reviewed by the CRFSF Steering Committee based on criteria that reflects the key funding priorities for “Evolve the Food System.” Additionally, CRFSF may contact applicants to clarify information included in the application. Review criteria include:
- The extent to which an applicant’s ongoing or proposed new work influences food policy pathways for systemic change; curbs corporate dominance and control of the food system; and/or builds community and worker power in the food system.
- Applicants’ connections to the Chicago region.
- Applicants’ connections to disinvested, under-represented, underserved, and under-resourced neighborhoods or populations; or to small business/non-profit partners, and the extent to which the proposed work respects and builds on said community assets rather than appropriating them.
- These populations include, but are not limited to: those who are undocumented; Indigenous; Black/of African descent; Latine; LGBTQIA+; family farmers, including those who have been displaced from their land; those working in the food supply chain; veterans. CRFSF defines organizations that are BIPOC-led as greater than 50% BIPOC board and leadership.
- The proposed work’s level of experimentation.
- The proposed impact on the regional food and agricultural system.
Key Dates
- APPLICATIONS—the online application for this RFP opened on June 21, 2023. Applications are due July 24, 2023, 11:59 p.m. CT.
- WEBINAR/INFO SESSION—CRFSF will offer a webinar about “Evolve the Food System” on June 13, 10:00 a.m. CT. This info session will discuss the funding priorities and answer general questions. Register here for the webinar. For specific questions about your application (“Am I eligible to apply?” etc.), email
- DECISIONS—Grant decisions are anticipated in late-August, but the timeframe for reviews is dependent on the number of applications received. CRFSF will notify grantees as expeditiously as possible. An announcement of the “Evolve the Food System” grants and the RFP for the “Grow Local and Regional Food System Resources” are both anticipated in September.
How to Submit
- Click this link to access the online application system.
- You can read more about the application system in the FAQs.
- Once you’ve registered to create an account, you’ll fill out and submit your application online. The application includes questions about basic organizational and project information, including your budget.
Primary Narrative Question from the Application
Describe your project and how it encourages cooperative models and sustainability for both the land and livelihoods. Address the following in your narrative:
- What is your vision of transformation for the food system, your community, and/or the Chicago region? How is your organization’s mission and vision aligned with CRFSF goals for “Evolve the Food System?”
- What will be the impact of your work on the Chicago region food system? You may describe impact as part of your narrative or upload a separate document below. Note that grant reports will include a question about the impacts of your work.
- What model of organizing (bringing people together to accomplish change) are you using to build power (e.g. policy change, private corporation change, behavior change, etc.)?
- What activities will be undertaken to remove barriers for innovative change in the food system (including the time frames)?
- Are partnerships/collaborations needed for the project to be successful? If so, describe the kinds of partnerships/collaborations that either already exist or are proposed.
- What is your organization’s capacity to do this work?
In this application, we ask you to focus your story on what you have, not on what you lack. This is not a “needs assessment.” Too often philanthropy has asked you to justify your work by telling us how distressed your community is. We want to change that, and we hope to enlist you in helping make that change by centering your application in your community/organizational assets and strengths.
FAQs About the Online Application System
- How do I use the online application system? What if I forgot my username and/or password?
- We’re an organization applying for funding through a fiscal sponsor. How do we register and apply?
- I’ve logged in and would like to start a new application. Please help!
- Can I log out of the online application system and return to my grant request at a later time? Does the online system automatically save my work as I go?
- I added the wrong document to my grant request or report. How do I remove it and add the correct one?
- I accidentally started multiple drafts of a grant request. How do I remove the ones I don’t need?
- How can I be sure I’ve submitted my application?
- How do I save and download a copy of my application for my records?
- Are there any manuals or guides to using the online application system?
How do I use the online application system?
- If you are a previous applicant or grantee of CRFSF (or North Lawndale Fresh or Austin Fresh) —log in to the online application system using your existing account and password.
- If this is your first time applying for a grant from CRFSF (or North Lawndale Fresh or Austin Fresh), go to the online application system, create a new account, and set up your password. When you set up your account, you’ll see a screen with information about the confirmation email sent to you from “Forefront” and how to ensure you’ve received it.
- To invite someone to work on the application with you: use the “Collaborate” button at the top of your application page and follow the instructions.
- If you don’t know your password, please select the reset password link on the login screen [ADD LINK]. Your user name is the email you used to create your account. If you don’t know which email you used, contact
We’re an organization applying for funding through a fiscal sponsor. How do we register and apply?
You will register as your organization and include the fiscal sponsor name in parentheses. For example: Fresh Taste (Forefront). The registration form includes fields for providing your fiscal sponsor information.
I’ve logged in and would like to start a new application. Please help!
After logging in, you can start a new application by selecting “Apply” in the upper menu next to the Forefront logo. Look for the CRFSF funding round you’re interested in and select the “Apply” button on the right side.
Can I log out of the online application system and return to my grant request at a later time? Does the online system automatically save my work as I go?
The system autosaves each time you click into a new question, but if you are not ready to submit your application it is advisable to save your work before logging out to ensure no information is lost. This is done by selecting the “Save” button in the bottom right-hand corner. (Some applicants find that it’s easier to type out answers in a separate Word document and then copy/paste into the online system before submitting.) You can save your draft request in the bottom right-hand corner of the application. Once saved, you can return at any time to complete your request by looking for your draft in the “Active Requests” section. Look for the “Edit Application” link to the right. Please do not begin a separate application every time you log in. When a funding round closes, all applications still in “draft” status will be marked as ‘abandoned.”

I added the wrong document to my grant request or report. How do I remove it and add the correct one?
If you’re still in draft form, you can remove the attachment and reattach different documents. If you notice an error after you have submitted your application, please email to let us know, and we’ll work with you on the correction.
I accidentally started multiple drafts of a grant request. How do I remove the ones I don’t need?
To edit drafts you have already started, click Edit next to the draft on your dashboard rather than returning to the Apply page and starting over. To avoid starting multiple requests in the future, please check your active requests folder before beginning a new request and be sure to save your request as you go. When a funding round closes, all applications still in “draft” status will be marked as ‘abandoned.”
How can I be sure I’ve submitted my application?
First, when you’re done editing, always “Save” your request using the button at the bottom. Saving ensures you can return to our application and continue editing. When your application is complete, be sure to click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. Once you submit, you’ll receive a confirmation email. You can also log into the online application system, look to the “Active Requests” section. A submitted application will have a link that says “View” rather than “Edit.”
How do I save and download a copy of my application for my records?
While you are logged-in and viewing your application look for the “Application Packet” button and follow the instructions.

Are there any manuals or guides to using the online application system?
For all other questions and assistance with the online application system not answered above, visit these links:
Written Guide
Video 1: Site Access & Account Creation (3 mins.)
Video 2: Applying for Funding (5 mins.)
Video 3: Your Applicant Dashboard (3 mins.)
Video 4: Apply for a Grant – Applicant Overview/Summary (4 mins.)